EXAMPLE 20 : Find the projection of vectora on the line of vector b where a
º (3,4) and b º (-2, 5)

EXAMPLE 21 : A rope walker has weight 200 l b is standing closer to one end of the rope.
The smaller part the rope deflects 100 from the horizontal while the longer part deflects
20 . What are the tensions on both parts?
This problem is a case of "static equilibrium".
Static equilibrium :-
It is a state, if all forces acting on the object add to zero. For such
problem 'Lami's theorem' is the best to use. According to this, if the 3 forces acting are in equilibrium, then
the magnitudes of these forces are proportional to the sine of angle between the remaining two.

\ Tensions on smaller and longer parts are 947.115
l b and 960.953 l b respectively.