NOTE: If a number of forces are acting at a point, the components of all these forces should be found
along x- axis and y- axis separately. Then the components along x- axis should be added by considering
their signs i.e. algebraically. Similarly components along y- axis should be added algebraically. These
sums are called SFxand SFy respectively. Then the resultant R is given by
R2 = ( SFx)2 + (S Fy)2
The direction of R is found out by the angle. It makes with x- axis in the respective Quadrant. Let it be
q then

Procedure of determining R and q
Let F1, F2 , F3 and F4 are four forces acting as shown in the figure.
S Fx = F1 cos a - F2 cos b -
F3 cos f + F4 cos q
S Fy = F1 sin a + F2 sin b - F3 sin f - F4 cos q