16.7 Dispersion of light , Angular Dispersion and Dispersive Power

It is well known that, when white light - sun light for example
- passes through a prism, the emergent beam is made up of seven
colors of rainbow ("VIBGYOR" spectrum). This phenomenon
of separation of a given beam of light into its constituent colors
is called dispersion of light. According to wave theory, dispersion
is an obvious phenomena as the Refractive Indices of different colors
(wave length or frequencies) are different and the deviation angle
varies in the same manner as the Refractive Indices for the fixed
angle of incidence. Therefore violet color bends by the greatest
angle and red color bends by the least angle; hence, the order of
the colors in the spectrum of white light from base to top of the
prism, is in the order VIBGYOR ( and not "ROYGBIV" ).
Angular Dispersion : D &
Dispersive Power : w
The capacity of the material of a prism, to disperse a given
beam of light into of its constituent colors, is measured by the two quantities
D & w; which are defined
D = It is the difference between the angles of minimum deviations
for a pair
of colors, usually the pair chosen is that of extreme colors,
i.e. Violet & Red in white light spectrum
D is obviously expressed in units of angle.
w = Angular Dispersion to mean angle of deviation for the
pair (usually extreme ones) of colors.