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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Call Of The Wild by Jack London
could lead for all they cared so long as he kept order. The rest of
the team, however, had grown unruly during the last days of Spitz,
and their surprise was great now that Buck proceeded to lick them
into shape.

Pike, who pulled at Buck’s heels, and who never put an ounce
more of his weight against the breast-band than he was compelled
to do, was swiftly and repeatedly shaken for loafing; and ere the
first day was done he was pulling more than ever before in his life.
The first night in camp, Joe, the sour one, was punished roundly-a
thing that Spitz had never succeeded in doing. Buck simply
smothered him by virtue of superior weight, and cut him up till he
ceased snapping and began to whine for mercy.

The general tone of the team picked up immediately. It recovered
its old-time solidarity, and once more the dogs leaped as one dog
in the traces. At the Rink Rapids two native huskies, Teek and
Koona, were added; and the celerity with which Buck broke them
in took away Francois’s breath.

‘Nevaire such a dog as dat Buck!’ he cried. ‘No, nevaire! Heem
worth one t’ousan’ dollair, by Gar! Eh? Wot you say, Perrault?’
And Perrault nodded. He was ahead of the record then, and
gaining day by day. The trail was in excellent condition, well
packed and hard, and there was no new-fallen snow with which to
contend. It was not too cold. The temperature dropped to fifty
below zero and remained there the whole trip. The men rode and
ran by turn, and the dogs were kept on the jump, with but
infrequent stoppages.

The Thirty Mile River was comparatively coated with ice, and they
covered in one day going out what had taken them ten days
coming in. In one run they made a sixty-mile dash from the foot of
Lake Le Barge to the White Horse Rapids.

Across Marsh, Tagish, and Bennett (seventy miles of lakes), they
flew so fast that the man whose turn it was to run, towed behind
the sled at the end of a rope. And on the last night of the second
week they topped White Pass and dropped down the sea slope
with the lights of Skaguay and of the shipping at their feet.

It was a record run. Each day for fourteen days they had averaged
forty miles.

For three days Perrault and Francois threw chests up and down the
main street of Skaguay and were deluged with invitations to drink,
while the team was the constant centre of a worshipful crowd of
dog-busters and mushers. Then three or four western bad men
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