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aspired to clean out the town, were riddled like pepper-boxes for
their pains, and public interest turned to other idols. Next came
official orders.

Francois called Buck to him, threw his arms around him, wept over
him. And that was the last of Francois and Perrault. Like other
men, they passed out of Buck’s life for good.

A Scotch half-breed took charge of him and his mates, and in
company with a dozen other dog-teams he started back over the
weary trail to Dawson. It was no light running now, nor record
time, but heavy toil each day, with a heavy load behind; for this
was the mail train, carrying word from the world to the men who
sought gold under the shadow of the Pole.

Buck did not like it, but he bore up well to the work, taking pride
in it after the manner of Dave and Sol-leks, and seeing his mates,
whether they prided in it or not, did their fair share. It was a
monotonous life, operating with machine-like regularity. One day
was very like another. At a certain time each morning the cooks
turned out, fires were built, and breakfast was eaten. Then, while
some broke camp, others harnessed the dogs, and they were under
way an hour or so before the darkness fell which gave warning of
dawn. At night, camp was made.

Some pitched the flies, others cut firewood and pine boughs for the
beds, and still others carried water or ice for the cooks. Also, the
dogs were fed. To them, this was the one feature of the day, though
it was good to loaf around, after the fish was eaten, for an hour or
so with the other dogs, of which there were fivescore and odd.
There were fierce fighters among them, but three battles with the
fiercest brought Buck to mastery, so that when he bristled and
showed his teeth they got out of the way.

Best of all, perhaps he loved to lie near the fire, hind legs crouched
under him, fore legs stretched out in front, head raised, and eyes
blinking dreamily at the flames. Sometimes he thought of Judge
Miller’s big house in the sun-kissed Santa Clara Valley, and of the
cement swimming-tank, and Ysabel, the Mexican hairless, and
Toots, the Japanese pug; but oftener he remembered the man in the
red sweater, the death of Curly, the great fight with Spitz, and the
good things he had eaten or would like to eat. He was not
homesick. The Sunland was very dim and distant, and such
memories had no power over him. Far more potent were the
memories of his heredity that gave things he had never seen before
a seeming familiarity; the instincts (which were but the memories
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