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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Call Of The Wild by Jack London
retreated. After some time of this, Francois threw down his club,
thinking that Buck feared a thrashing. But Buck was in open revolt.
He wanted not to escape a clubbing but to have the leadership. It
was his by right. He had earned it, and he would not be content
with less.

Perrault took a hand. Between them they ran him about for the
better part of an hour. They threw clubs at him. He dodged. They
cursed him, and his father and mothers before him, and all his seed
to come after him down to the remotest generation, and every hair
on his body and drop of blood in his veins; and he answered curse
with snarl and kept out of their reach. He did not try to run away,
but retreated around and around the camp, advertising plainly that
when his desire was met, he would come in and be good.

Francois sat down and scratched his head. Perrault looked at his
watch and swore. Time was flying, and they should have been on
the trail an hour gone.

Francois scratched his head again. He shook it and grinned
sheepishly at the courier, who shrugged his shoulders in sign that
they were beaten. Then Francois went up to where Sol-leks stood
and called to Buck. Buck laughed, as dogs laugh, yet kept his
distance. Francois unfastened Sol-leks’s traces and put him back in
his old place. The team stood harnessed to the sled in an unbroken
line, ready for the trail. There was no place for Buck save at the
front. Once more Francois called, and once more Buck laughed and
kept away.

‘T’row down de club,’ Perrault commanded.

Francois complied, whereupon Buck trotted in, laughing
triumphantly, and swung around into position at the head of the
team. His traces were fastened, the sled broken out, and with both
men running they dashed out on to the river trail.

Highly as the dog-driver had fore-valued Buck, with his two
devils, he found, while the day was yet young, that he had
undervalued. At a bound Buck took up the duties of leadership;
and where judgment was required, and quick thinking and quick
acting, he showed himself the superior even of Spitz, of whom
Francois had never seen an equal.

But it was in giving the law and making his mates live up to it, that
Buck excelled. Dave and Sol-leks did not mind the change in
leadership. It was none of their business. Their business was to toil,
and toil mightily, in the traces. So long as they were not interfered
with, they did not care what happened. Billee, the good-natured,
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