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to all Mrs Wititterly’s ill-humours and caprices when they were
gone. She became utterly and completely miserable.

Mrs Wititterly had never thrown off the mask with regard to Sir
Mulberry, but when she was more than usually out of temper,
attributed the circumstance, as ladies sometimes do, to nervous
indisposition. However, as the dreadful idea that Lord Verisopht
also was somewhat taken with Kate, and that she, Mrs Wititterly,
was quite a secondary person, dawned upon that lady’s mind and
gradually developed itself, she became possessed with a large
quantity of highly proper and most virtuous indignation, and felt it
her duty, as a married lady and a moral member of society, to
mention the circumstance to ‘the young person’ without delay.

Accordingly Mrs Wititterly broke ground next morning, during
a pause in the novel-reading.

‘Miss Nickleby,’ said Mrs Wititterly, ‘I wish to speak to you very
gravely. I am sorry to have to do it, upon my word I am very sorry,
but you leave me no alternative, Miss Nickleby.’ Here Mrs
Wititterly tossed her head--not passionately, only virtuously--and
remarked, with some appearance of excitement, that she feared
that palpitation of the heart was coming on again.

‘Your behaviour, Miss Nickleby,’ resumed the lady, ‘is very far
from pleasing me--very far. I am very anxious indeed that you
should do well, but you may depend upon it, Miss Nickleby, you
will not, if you go on as you do.’

‘Ma’am!’ exclaimed Kate, proudly.
‘Don’t agitate me by speaking in that way, Miss Nickleby, don’t,’
said Mrs Wititterly, with some violence, ‘or you’ll compel me to
ring the bell.’

Kate looked at her, but said nothing.

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