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‘You needn’t suppose,’ resumed Mrs Wititterly, ‘that your
looking at me in that way, Miss Nickleby, will prevent my saying
what I am going to say, which I feel to be a religious duty. You
needn’t direct your glances towards me,’ said Mrs Wititterly, with
a sudden burst of spite; ‘I am not Sir Mulberry, no, nor Lord
Frederick Verisopht, Miss Nickleby, nor am I Mr Pyke, nor Mr
Pluck either.’

Kate looked at her again, but less steadily than before; and
resting her elbow on the table, covered her eyes with her hand.

‘If such things had been done when I was a young girl,’ said Mrs
Wititterly (this, by the way, must have been some little time
before), ‘I don’t suppose anybody would have believed it.’

‘I don’t think they would,’ murmured Kate. ‘I do not think
anybody would believe, without actually knowing it, what I seem
doomed to undergo!’

‘Don’t talk to me of being doomed to undergo, Miss Nickleby, if
you please,’ said Mrs Wititterly, with a shrillness of tone quite
surprising in so great an invalid. ‘I will not be answered, Miss
Nickleby. I am not accustomed to be answered, nor will I permit it
for an instant. Do you hear?’ she added, waiting with some
apparent inconsistency for an answer.

‘I do hear you, ma’am,’ replied Kate, ‘with surprise--with
greater surprise than I can express.’

‘I have always considered you a particularly well-behaved
young person for your station in life,’ said Mrs Wititterly; ‘and as
you are a person of healthy appearance, and neat in your dress
and so forth, I have taken an interest in you, as I do still,
considering that I owe a sort of duty to that respectable old female,
your mother. For these reasons, Miss Nickleby, I must tell you

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