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weakest and silliest of people could have seen in one interview
that Lord Verisopht, though he was a lord, and Sir Mulberry
Hawk, though he was a baronet, were not persons accustomed to
be the best possible companions, and were certainly not calculated
by habits, manners, tastes, or conversation, to shine with any very
great lustre in the society of ladies, need scarcely be remarked.
But with Mrs Wititterly the two titles were all sufficient;
coarseness became humour, vulgarity softened itself down into the
most charming eccentricity; insolence took the guise of an easy
absence of reserve, attainable only by those who had had the good
fortune to mix with high folks.

If the mistress put such a construction upon the behaviour of
her new friends, what could the companion urge against them? If
they accustomed themselves to very little restraint before the lady
of the house, with how much more freedom could they address her
paid dependent! Nor was even this the worst. As the odious Sir
Mulberry Hawk attached himself to Kate with less and less of
disguise, Mrs Wititterly began to grow jealous of the superior
attractions of Miss Nickleby. If this feeling had led to her
banishment from the drawing-room when such company was
there, Kate would have been only too happy and willing that it
should have existed, but unfortunately for her she possessed that
native grace and true gentility of manner, and those thousand
nameless accomplishments which give to female society its
greatest charm; if these be valuable anywhere, they were
especially so where the lady of the house was a mere animated
doll. The consequence was, that Kate had the double mortification
of being an indispensable part of the circle when Sir Mulberry and
his friends were there, and of being exposed, on that very account,

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