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I’ll drink it.’

And positively and actually Mr Pyke did drink it, and Mr Pluck
helped him, while Mrs Nickleby looked on in divided admiration
of the condescension of the two, and the aptitude with which they
accommodated themselves to the pewter-pot; in explanation of
which seeming marvel it may be here observed, that gentlemen
who, like Messrs Pyke and Pluck, live upon their wits (or not so
much, perhaps, upon the presence of their own wits as upon the
absence of wits in other people) are occasionally reduced to very
narrow shifts and straits, and are at such periods accustomed to
regale themselves in a very simple and primitive manner.

‘At twenty minutes before seven, then,’ said Mr Pyke, rising,
‘the coach will be here. One more look--one little look--at that
sweet face. Ah! here it is. Unmoved, unchanged!’ This, by the way,
was a very remarkable circumstance, miniatures being liable to so
many changes of expression--‘Oh, Pluck! Pluck!’

Mr Pluck made no other reply than kissing Mrs Nickleby’s
hand with a great show of feeling and attachment; Mr Pyke having
done the same, both gentlemen hastily withdrew.

Mrs Nickleby was commonly in the habit of giving herself credit
for a pretty tolerable share of penetration and acuteness, but she
had never felt so satisfied with her own sharp-sightedness as she
did that day. She had found it all out the night before. She had
never seen Sir Mulberry and Kate together--never even heard Sir
Mulberry’s name--and yet hadn’t she said to herself from the very
first, that she saw how the case stood? and what a triumph it was,
for there was now no doubt about it. If these flattering attentions
to herself were not sufficient proofs, Sir Mulberry’s confidential
friend had suffered the secret to escape him in so many words. ‘I

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