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am quite in love with that dear Mr Pluck, I declare I am,’ said Mrs

There was one great source of uneasiness in the midst of this
good fortune, and that was the having nobody by, to whom she
could confide it. Once or twice she almost resolved to walk straight
to Miss La Creevy’s and tell it all to her. ‘But I don’t know,’
thought Mrs Nickleby; ‘she is a very worthy person, but I am
afraid too much beneath Sir Mulberry’s station for us to make a
companion of. Poor thing!’ Acting upon this grave consideration
she rejected the idea of taking the little portrait painter into her
confidence, and contented herself with holding out sundry vague
and mysterious hopes of preferment to the servant girl, who
received these obscure hints of dawning greatness with much
veneration and respect.

Punctual to its time came the promised vehicle, which was no
hackney coach, but a private chariot, having behind it a footman,
whose legs, although somewhat large for his body, might, as mere
abstract legs, have set themselves up for models at the Royal
Academy. It was quite exhilarating to hear the clash and bustle
with which he banged the door and jumped up behind after Mrs
Nickleby was in; and as that good lady was perfectly unconscious
that he applied the gold-headed end of his long stick to his nose,
and so telegraphed most disrespectfully to the coachman over her
very head, she sat in a state of much stiffness and dignity, not a
little proud of her position.

At the theatre entrance there was more banging and more
bustle, and there were also Messrs Pyke and Pluck waiting to
escort her to her box; and so polite were they, that Mr Pyke
threatened with many oaths to ‘smifligate’ a very old man with a

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