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pride. And so it was. And little Miss La Creevy had brought it
home for inspection only two nights before.

Mr Pyke no sooner ascertained that he was quite right in his
conjecture, than he launched into the most extravagant
encomiums of the divine original; and in the warmth of his
enthusiasm kissed the picture a thousand times, while Mr Pluck
pressed Mrs Nickleby’s hand to his heart, and congratulated her
on the possession of such a daughter, with so much earnestness
and affection, that the tears stood, or seemed to stand, in his eyes.
Poor Mrs Nickleby, who had listened in a state of enviable
complacency at first, became at length quite overpowered by these
tokens of regard for, and attachment to, the family; and even the
servant girl, who had peeped in at the door, remained rooted to
the spot in astonishment at the ecstasies of the two friendly

By degrees these raptures subsided, and Mrs Nickleby went on
to entertain her guests with a lament over her fallen fortunes, and
a picturesque account of her old house in the country: comprising
a full description of the different apartments, not forgetting the
little store-room, and a lively recollection of how many steps you
went down to get into the garden, and which way you turned when
you came out at the parlour door, and what capital fixtures there
were in the kitchen. This last reflection naturally conducted her
into the wash-house, where she stumbled upon the brewing
utensils, among which she might have wandered for an hour, if the
mere mention of those implements had not, by an association of
ideas, instantly reminded Mr Pyke that he was ‘amazing thirsty.’

‘And I’ll tell you what,’ said Mr Pyke; ‘if you’ll send round to the
public-house for a pot of milk half-and-half, positively and actually

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