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JACK Yes, but you have been christened. That is the important

ALG Quite so. So I know my constitution can stand it. If you are
not quite sure about your ever having been christened, I must say I
think it rather dangerous your venturing on it now. It might make
you very unwell. You can hardly have forgotten that someone very
closely connected with you was very nearly carried off this week in
Paris by a severe chill.

JACK Yes, but you said yourself that a severe chill was not

ALG It usen’t to be, I know-but I daresay it is now. Science is
always making wonderful improvements in things.


[Picking up the muffin-dish.]
Oh, that is nonsense; you are always talking nonsense.
ALG Jack, you are at the muffins again. I wish you wouldn’t. There
are only two left.

[Takes them.]
I told you I was particularly fond of muffins.
JACK But I hate tea-cake.

ALG Why on earth then do you allow tea-cake to be served up for
your guests? What ideas you have of hospitality!

JACK Algernon! I have already told you to go. I don’t want you

Why don’t you go? ALG I haven’t quite finished my tea yet! and
there is still one muffin left.

[Jack groans, and sinks into a chair. Algernon still continues


SCENE-Morning-room at the Manor House. [Gwendolen and
Cecily are at the window, looking out into the garden.]

GWEN The fact that they did not follow us at once into the house,
as anyone else would have done, seems to me to show that they
have some sense of shame left.

CEC They have been eating muffins. That looks like repentance.


[After a pause.]
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