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ALG When I am in trouble, eating is the only thing that consoles
me. Indeed, when I am in really great trouble, as anyone who
knows me intimately will tell you, I refuse everything except food
and drink.

At the present moment I am eating muffins because I am unhappy.
Besides, I am particularly fond of muffins.

Well, that is no reason why you should eat them all in that greedy

[Takes muffins from Algernon.]
[Offering tea-cake.]

I wish you would have tea-cake instead. I don’t like tea-cake.
JACK Good Heavens! I suppose a man may eat his own muffins in
his own garden.

ALG But you have just said it was perfectly heartless to eat

JACK I said it was perfectly heartless of you, under the

That is a very different thing.
ALG That may be. But the muffins are the same.
[He seizes the muffin-dish from Jack.]

JACK Algy, I wish to goodness you would go.
ALG You can’t possibly ask me to go without having some dinner.
It’s absurd. I never go without my dinner. No one ever does, except
vegetarians and people like that. Besides I have just made
arrangements with Dr. Chasuble, to be christened at a quarter to
six under the name of Ernest.

JACK My dear fellow, the sooner you give up that nonsense the
better. I made arrangements this morning with Dr. Chasuble to be
christened myself at 5:30, and I naturally will take the name of

Gwendolen would wish it. We can’t both be christened Ernest. It’s
absurd. Besides, I have a perfect right to be christened if I like.

There is no evidence at all that I ever have been christened by
anybody. I should think it extremely probable I never was, and so
does Dr. Chasuble. It is entirely different in your case. You have
been christened already.

ALG Yes, but I have not been christened for years.
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