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They don’t seem to notice us at all. Couldn’t you cough? CEC But I
haven’t got a cough.

GWEN They’re looking at us. What effrontery!
CEC They’re approaching. That’s very forward of them.
GWEN Let us preserve a dignified silence.

CEC Certainly. It’s the only thing to do now.
[Enter Jack followed by Algernon. They whistle some dreadful
popular air from a British Opera.]

GWEN This dignified silence seems to produce an unpleasant

CEC A most distasteful one.
GWEN But we will not be the first to speak.
CEC Certainly not.

GWEN Mr. Worthing, I have something very particular to ask you.
Much depends on your reply.

CEC Gwendolen, your common sense is invaluable. Mr. Moncrieff,
kindly answer me the following question. Why did you pretend to
be my guardian’s brother? ALG In order that I might have an
opportunity of meeting you.


[To Gwendolen.]

That certainly seems a satisfactory explanation, does it not? GWEN
Yes, dear, if you can believe him.

CEC I don’t. But that does not affect the wonderful beauty of his

GWEN True. In matters of grave importance, style, not sincerity is
the vital thing. Mr. Worthing, what explanation can you offer to me
for pretending to have a brother? Was it in order that you might
have an opportunity of coming up to town to see me as often as
possible? JACK Can you doubt it, Miss Fairfax? GWEN I have the
gravest doubts upon the subject. But I intend to crush them. This is
not the moment for German scepticism.

[Moving to Cecily.]

Their explanations appear to be quite satisfactory, especially Mr.
Worthing’s. That seems to me to have the stamp of truth upon it.

CEC I am more than content with what Mr. Moncrieff said. His
voice alone inspires one with absolute credulity.

GWEN Then you think we should forgive them?
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