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RANK Yes, yes! You mustn’t punish me in that way. Let me do for you whatever a man

NORA You can do nothing for me now.- Besides, I really want no help. You shall see it
was only my fancy. Yes, it must be so. Of course!

[Sits in the rocking-chair, looks at him and smiles.]
You are a nice person, Doctor Rank! Aren’t you ashamed of yourself, now that the lamp
is on the table? RANK No; not exactly. But perhaps I ought to go-for ever.

NORA No, indeed you mustn’t. Of course you must come and go as you’ve always
done. You know very well that Torvald can’t do without you.

RANK Yes, but you? NORA Oh, you know I always like to have you here.

RANK That is just what led me astray. You are a riddle to me. It has often seemed to
me as if you liked being with me almost as much as being with Helmer.

NORA Yes; don’t you see? There are people one loves, and others one likes to talk to.

RANK Yes-there’s something in that.

NORA When I was a girl, of course I loved papa best. But it always delighted me to
steal into the servants’ room. In the first place they never lectured me, and in the
second it was such fun to hear them talk.

RANK Ah, I see; then it’s their place I have taken? NORA [Jumps up and hurries
towards him.] Oh, my dear Doctor Rank, I don’t mean that. But you understand, with
Torvald it’s the same as with papa

ELLEN enters from the hall.
ELLEN Please, ma’am
[Whispers to NORA, and gives her a card.]
NORA [Glancing at card.] Ah!

[Puts it in her pocket.
RANK Anything wrong? NORA No, no, not in the least. It’s only-it’s my new
costumeRANK Your costume! Why, it’s there.

NORA Oh, that one, yes. But this is another that-I have ordered it-Torvald mustn’t
knowRANK Aha! So that’s the great secret.

NORA Yes, of course. Please go to him; he’s in the inner room. Do keep him while I-

RANK Don’t be alarmed; he sha’n’t escape.

[RANK goes into HELMER’s room.

NORA [To ELLEN.] Is he waiting in the kitchen? ELLEN Yes, he came up the back
stairNORA Didn’t you tell him I was engaged? ELLEN Yes, but it was no use.

NORA He won’t go away? ELLEN No, ma’am, not until he has spoken to you.
NORA Then let him come in; but quietly. And, Ellen-say nothing about it; it’s a
surprise for my husband.
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