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ELLEN Oh, yes, ma’am, I understand.
[She goes out.

NORA It is coming! The dreadful thing is coming, after all. No, no, no, it can never be;
it shall not!

[She goes to HELMER’S door and slips the bolt. ELLEN opens the hall door for
KROGSTAD, and shuts it after him. He wears a travelling-coat, high boots, and a fur

NORA [Goes towards him.] Speak softly; my husband is at home.
KROGSTAD All right. That’s nothing to me.

NORA What do you want? KROGSTAD A little information.
NORA Be quick, then. What is it?

KROGSTAD You know I have got my dismissal.
NORA I couldn’t prevent it, Mr. Krogstad. I fought for you to the last, but it was of no

KROGSTAD Does your husband care for you so little? He knows what I can bring upon
you, and yet he daresNORA How could you think I should tell him? KROGSTAD Well,
as a matter of fact, I didn’t think it. It wasn’t like my friend Torvald Helmer to show so
much courageNORA Mr. Krogstad, be good enough to speak respectfully of my

KROGSTAD Certainly, with all due respect. But since you are so anxious to keep the
matter secret, I suppose you are a little clearer than yesterday as to what you have

NORA Clearer than you could ever make me.

KROGSTAD Yes, such a bad lawyer as INORA What is it you want? KROGSTAD Only
to see how you are getting on, Mrs. Helmer. I’ve been thinking about you all day. Even
a mere money-lender, a gutter-journalist, a-in short, a creature like me-has a little bit
of what people call feeling.

NORA Then show it; think of my little children.

KROGSTAD Did you and your husband think of mine? But enough of that. I only
wanted to tell you that you needn’t take this matter too seriously. I shall not lodge any
information, for the present.

NORA No, surely not. I knew you wouldn’t.

KROGSTAD The whole thing can be settled quite amicably. Nobody need know. It can
remain among us three.

NORA My husband must never know.

KROGSTAD How can you prevent it? Can you pay off the balance? NORA No, not at

KROGSTAD Or have you any means of raising the money in the next few days? NORA
None-that I will make use of.
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