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RANK [More softly-looking straight before him.] And now to have to leave it allNORA
Nonsense. You sha’n’t leave us.

RANK [In the same tone.] And not to be able to leave behind the slightest token of
gratitude; scarcely even a passing regret nothing but an empty place, that can be filled
by the first comer.

NORA And if I were to ask you for-? No-
RANK For what? NORA For a great proof of your friendship.
RANK Yes-yes? NORA I mean-for a very, very great serviceRANK Would you really,
for once, make me so happy? NORA Oh, you don’t know what it is.

RANK Then tell me.

NORA No, I really can’t, Doctor Rank. It’s far, far too much-not only a service, but help
and advice besidesRANK So much the better. I can’t think what you can mean. But go
on. Don’t you trust me? NORA As I trust no one else. I know you are my best and
truest friend. So I will tell you. Well then, Doctor Rank, there is something you must
help me to prevent. You know how deeply, how wonderfully Torvald loves me; he
wouldn’t hesitate a moment to give his very life for my sake.

RANK [Bending towards her.] Nora-do you think he is the only one who-? NORA
[With a slight start.] Who-? RANK Who would gladly give his life for you? NORA
[Sadly.] Oh!

RANK I have sworn that you shall know it before I-go. I shall never find a better
opportunity.- Yes, Nora, now I have told you; and now you know that you can trust me
as you can no one else.

NORA [Standing up; simply and calmly.] Let me pass, please.
RANK [Makes way for her, but remains sitting.] NoraNORA [In the doorway.] Ellen,
bring the lamp.

[Crosses to the stove.]
Oh dear, Doctor Rank, that was too bad of you.
RANK [Rising.] That I have loved you as deeply as-any one else? Was that too bad of
me? NORA No, but that you should have told me so. It was so unnecessaryRANK
What do you mean? Did you know-?

ELLEN enters with the lamp; sets it on the table and goes out again.

RANK Nora-Mrs. Helmer-I ask you, did you know? NORA Oh, how can I tell what I
knew or didn’t know? I really can’t say-How could you be so clumsy, Doctor Rank? It
was all so nice!

RANK Well, at any rate, you know now that I am at your service, body and soul. And
now, go on.

NORA [Looking at him.] Go on-now? RANK I beg you to tell me what you want.

NORA I can tell you nothing now.
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