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RANK So it seems.
NORA[With her hands on his shoulders.] Dear, dear Doctor Rank, death shall not take
you away from Torvald and me.

RANK Oh, you’ll easily get over the loss. The absent are soon

NORA[Looks at him anxiously.] Do you think so? RANK People make fresh ties, and
thenNORA Who make fresh ties? RANK You and Helmer will,- when I am gone. You
yourself are taking time by the forelock, it seems to me. What was that Mrs. Linden
doing here yesterday? NORA Oh!- you’re surely not jealous of poor Christina? RANK
Yes, I am. She will be my successor in this house. When I am out of the way, this
woman will perhapsNORA Hush! Not so loud! She’s in there.

RANK To-day as well? You see!

NORA Only to put my costume in order-dear me, how unreasonable you are!

[Sits on sofa.]

Now do be good, Doctor Rank! To-morrow you shall see how beautifully I shall dance;
and then you may fancy that I’m doing it all to please you-and of course Torvald as

[Takes various things out of box.]
Doctor Rank, sit down here, and I’ll show you something.
RANK[Sitting.] What is it? NORA Look here. Look!
RANK Silk stockings.

NORA Flesh-coloured. Aren’t they lovely? It’s so dark here now; but to-morrow-No,
no, no; you must only look at the feet. Oh, well, I suppose you may look at the rest too.

RANK H’mNORA What are you looking so critical about? Do you think they won’t fit
me? RANK I can’t possibly give any competent opinion on that point.

NORA Looking at him a moment.] For shame!
[Hits him lightly on the ear with the stockings.]
Take that.

[Rolls them up again.
RANK And what other wonders am I to see?
NORA You sha’n’t see anything more; for you don’t behave nicely.

[She hums a little and searches among the things.

RANK [After a short silence.] When I sit here gossiping with you, I can’t imagine-I
simply cannot conceive-what would have become of me if I had never entered this

NORA [Smiling.] Yes, I think you do feel at home with us.
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