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[Takes the smallest from the nurse and dances with her.]
Yes, yes; mother will dance with Bob too. What! Did you have a game of snowballs?
Oh, I wish I’d been there. No; leave them, Anna; I’ll take their things off. Oh, yes, let
me do it; it’s such fun.

Go to the nursery; you look frozen. You’ll find some hot coffee on the stove.
[The NURSE goes into the room on the left. NORA takes off the children’s things and
throws them down anywhere, while the children talk all together.

Really! A big dog ran after you? But he didn’t bite you? No; dogs don’t bite dear little
dolly children. Don’t peep into those parcels, Ivar. What is it? Wouldn’t you like to
know? Take careit’ll bite! What? Shall we have a game? What shall we play at? Hide-
and-seek? Yes, let’s play hide-and-seek. Bob shall hide first. Am I to? Yes, let me hide

[She and the children play, with laughter and shouting, in the room and the adjacent
one to the right. At last NORA hides under the table; the children come rushing in, look
for her, but cannot find her, hear her half-choked laughter, rush to the table, lift up the
cover and see her. Loud shouts. She creeps out, as though to frighten them. Fresh
shouts. Meanwhile there has been a knock at the door leading into the hall. No one has
heard it. Now the door is half opened and KROGSTAD appears. He waits a little; the
game is renewed.

KROGSTAD I beg your pardon, Mrs. HelmerNORA[With a suppressed cry, turns
round and half jumps up.] Ah! What do you want? KROGSTAD Excuse me; the outer
door was ajar-somebody must have forgotten to shut itNORA
[Standing up.]

My husband is not at home, Mr. Krogstad.
KROGSTAD I know it.

NORA Then what do you want here? KROGSTAD To say a few words to you.
NORA To me?

[To the children, softly.]

Go in to Anna. What? No, the strange man won’t hurt mamma.
When he’s gone we’ll go on playing.

[She leads the children into the left-hand room, and shuts the door behind them.
Uneasy, in suspense.]

It is to me you wish to speak? KROGSTAD Yes, to you.
NORA To-day? But it’s not the first yetKROGSTAD No, to-day is Christmas Eve. It will
depend upon yourself whether you have a merry Christmas.

NORA What do you want? I’m not ready to-dayKROGSTAD Never mind that just
now. I have come about another matter. You have a minute to spare?

NORA Oh, yes, I suppose so; althoughKROGSTAD Good. I was sitting in the restaurant
opposite, and I saw your husband go down the streetNORA Well? KROGSTAD -with a

NORA What then? KROGSTAD May I ask if the lady was a Mrs Linden? NORA Yes.
KROGSTAD Who has just come to town? NORA Yes. To-day.

KROGSTAD I believe she is an intimate friend of yours.
NORA Certainly. But I don’t understandKROGSTAD I used to know her too.
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