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MRS. LINDEN Well, not quiteNORA You see, Christina is tremendously clever at
office-work, and she’s so anxious to work under a first-rate man of business in order to
learn still more HELMER [To MRS. LINDEN.] Very sensible indeed.

NORA And when she heard you were appointed manager-it was telegraphed, you
know-she started off at once, and-Torvald, dear, for my sake, you must do something
for Christina. Now can’t you? HELMER It’s not impossible. I presume Mrs. Linden is a
widow? MRS. LINDEN Yes.

HELMER And you have already had some experience of business? MRS. LINDEN A
good deal.

HELMER Well, then, it’s very likely I may be able to find a place for you.
NORA[Clapping her hands.] There now! There now!

HELMER You have come at a fortunate moment, Mrs. Linden.
MRS. LINDEN Oh, how can I thank you-? HELMER[Smiling.] There is no occasion.
[Puts on his overcoat.]

But for the present you must excuse meRANK Wait; I am going with you.
[Fetches his fur coat from the hall and warms it at the fire.]

NORA Don’t be long, Torvald dear.
HELMER Only an hour; not more.
NORA Are you going too, Christina?
MRS. LINDEN[Putting on her walking things.] Yes; I must set about looking for

HELMER Then perhaps we can go together? NORA[Helping her.] What a pity we
haven’t a spare room for you; but it’s impossibleMRS. LINDEN I shouldn’t think of
troubling you. Good-bye, dear Nora, and thank you for all your kindness.

NORA Good-bye for the present. Of course you’ll come back this evening. And you,
too, Doctor Rank. What! If you’re well enough? Of course you’ll be well enough. Only
wrap up warmly.

[They go out, talking, into the hall. Outside on the stairs are heard children’s voices.]
There they are! There they are!

[She runs to the outer door and opens it. The nurse, ANNA, enters the hall with the

Come in! Come in!
[Stoops down and kisses the children.]
Oh, my sweet darlings! Do you see them, Christina? Aren’t they lovely? RANK Don’t
let us stand here chattering in the draught.

HELMER Come, Mrs. Linden; only mothers can stand such a temperature.
[DR. RANK, HELMER, and MRS. LINDEN go down the stairs; ANNA enters the room
with the children; NORA also, shutting the door.

NORA How fresh and bright you look! And what red cheeks you’ve got! Like apples
and roses.

[The children chatter to her during what follows.]
Have you had great fun? That’s splendid! Oh, really! You’ve been giving Emmy and
Bob a ride on your sledge!- both at once, only think, Why, you’re quite a man, Ivar. Oh,
give her to me a little, Anna. My sweet little dolly!
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