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MRS. LINDEN Well, I suppose the-delicate characters require most care.
RANK[Shrugs his shoulders.] There we have it! It’s that notion that makes society a

[NORA, deep in her own thoughts, breaks into half-stifled laughter and claps her

RANK Why do you laugh at that? Have you any idea what “society” is? NORA What
do I care for your tiresome society? I was laughing at something else-something
excessively amusing. Tell me, Doctor Rank, are all the employees at the Bank
dependent on Torvald now? RANK Is that what strikes you as excessively amusing?
NORA [Smiles and hums.] Never mind, never mind!

[Walks about the room.]
Yes, it is funny to think that we-that Torvald has such power over so many people.
[Takes the bag from her pocket.]

Doctor Rank, will you have a macaroon? RANK What!- macaroons! I thought they were
contraband here.

NORA Yes; but Christina brought me these.
MRS. LINDEN What! I-? NORA Oh, well! Don’t be frightened. You couldn’t possibly
know that Torvald had forbidden them. The fact is, he’s afraid of me spoiling my teeth.
But, oh bother, just for once!- That’s for you, Doctor Rank!

[Puts a macaroon into his mouth.]
And you too, Christina. And I’ll have one while we’re about itonly a tiny one, or at
most two.

[Walks about again.]
Oh dear, I am happy! There’s only one thing in the world I really want.
RANK Well; what’s that? NORA There’s something I should so like to say-in Torvald’s

RANK Then why don’t you say it? NORA Because I daren’t, it’s so ugly.

RANK In that case you’d better not. But to us you might-What is it you would so like
to say in Helmer’s hearing? NORA I should so love to say “Damn it all!” 10 -
RANK Are you out of your mind? MRS. LINDEN Good gracious, Nora-!

RANK Say it-there he is!
NORA [Hides the macaroons.] Hush-sh-sh! HELMER comes out of his room, hat in
hand, with his overcoat on his arm. NORA [Going to him.] Well, Torvald dear, have
you got rid of him? HELMER Yes; he has just gone.

NORA Let me introduce you-this is Christina, who has come to town 10 “Dod og
pine,” literally “death and torture”; but by usage a comparatively mild oath.
HELMER Christina? Pardon me, I don’t knowNORA Mrs. Linden, Torvald dear-
Christina Linden.

HELMER [To MRS. LINDEN.] Indeed! A school-friend of my wife’s, no doubt? MRS.
LINDEN Yes; we knew each other as girls.

NORA And only think! she has taken this long journey on purpose to speak to you.
HELMER To speak to me!
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