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NORA I know you did.
KROGSTAD Ah! You know all about it. I thought as much. Now, frankly, is Mrs.
Linden to have a place in the Bank? NORA How dare you catechise me in this way, Mr.
Krogstad-you, a subordinate of my husband’s? But since you ask, you shall know.

Yes, Mrs. Linden is to be employed. And it is I who recommended her, Mr. Krogstad.
Now you know.

KROGSTAD Then my guess was right.
NORA[Walking up and down.] You see one has a wee bit of influence, after all. It
doesn’t follow because one’s only a woman-When people are in a subordinate position,
Mr. Krogstad, they ought really to be careful how they offend anybody who-
h’mKROGSTAD -who has influence? NORA Exactly.

KROGSTAD[Taking another tone.] Mrs. Helmer, will you have the kindness to employ
your influence on my behalf? NORA What? How do you mean? KROGSTAD Will you
be so good as to see that I retain my subordinate position in the Bank? NORA What do
you mean? Who wants to take it from you?

KROGSTAD Oh, you needn’t pretend ignorance. I can very well understand that it
cannot be pleasant for your friend to meet me; and I can also understand now for
whose sake I am to be hounded out.

NORA But I assure youKROGSTAD Come come now, once for all: there is time yet,
and I advise you to use your influence to prevent it.

NORA But, Mr. Krogstad, I have no influence-absolutely none.
KROGSTAD None? I thought you said a moment agoNORA Of course not in that
sense. I! How can you imagine that I should have any such influence over my husband?
KROGSTAD Oh, I know your husband from our college days. I don’t think he is any
more inflexible than other husbands.

NORA If you talk disrespectfully of my husband, I must request you to leave the house.
KROGSTAD You are bold, madam.

NORA I am afraid of you no longer. When New Year’s Day is over, I shall soon be out
of the whole business.

KROGSTAD[Controlling himself.] Listen to me, Mrs. Helmer.
If need be, I shall fight as though for my life to keep my little place in the Bank.
NORA Yes, so it seems.

KROGSTAD It’s not only for the salary: that is what I care least about. It’s something
else-Well, I had better make a clean breast of it. Of course you know, like every one
else, that some years ago I-got into trouble.

NORA I think I’ve heard something of the sort.
KROGSTAD The matter never came into court; but from that moment all paths were
barred to me. Then I took up the business you know about. I had to turn my hand to
something; and I don’t think I’ve been one of the worst. But now I must get clear of it
all. My sons are growing up; for their sake I must try to recover my character as well as
I can. This place in the Bank was the first step; and now your husband wants to kick me
off the ladder, back into the mire.

NORA But I assure you, Mr. Krogstad, I haven’t the least power to help you.
KROGSTAD That is because you have not the will; but I can compel you.
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