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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
worse. That man has had it in his power to ruin us all,- and now he is fairly off. If
you knew the man as I do, you’d think that we had had a narrow escape.”

“Is he so hard, then?”

“Why, not a cruel man, exactly, but a man of leather,- a man alive to nothing
but trade and profit,- cool, and unhesitating, and unrelenting, as death and the
grave. He’d sell his own mother at a good percentage-not wishing the old woman
any harm, either.”

“And this wretch owns that good, faithful Tom, and Eliza’s child!”

“Well, my dear, the fact is that this goes rather hard with me! it’s a thing I hate
to think of. Haley wants to drive matters, and take possession to-morrow. I’m go-
ing to get out my horse bright and early, and be off. I can’t see Tom, that’s a fact;
and you had better arrange a drive somewhere, and carry Eliza off. Let the thing
be done when she is out of sight.”

“No, no,” said Mrs. Shelby; “I’ll be in no sense accomplice or help in this
cruel business. I’ll go and see poor old Tom, God help him, in his distress! They
shall see, at any rate, that their mistress can feel for and with them. As to Eliza, I
dare not think about it. The Lord forgive us! What have we done, that this cruel
necessity should come on us?”

There was one listener to this conversation whom Mr. and Mrs. Shelby little
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