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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
Communicating with their apartment was a large closet, opening by a door
into the outer passage. When Mrs. Shelby had dismissed Eliza for the night, her
feverish and excited mind had suggested the idea of this closet; and she had hid-
den herself there, and, with her ear pressed close against the crack of the door,
had lost not a word of the conversation.

When the voices died into silence, she rose and crept stealthily away. Pale,
shivering, with rigid features and compressed lips, she looked an entirely altered
being from the soft and timid creature she had been hitherto. She moved cau-
tiously along the entry, paused one moment at her mistress’ door, and raised her
hands in mute appeal to Heaven, and then turned and glided into her own room. It
was a quiet, neat apartment, on the same floor with her mistress. There was the
pleasant sunny window, where she had often sat singing at her sewing; there a lit-
tle case of books, and various little fancy articles, ranged by them, the gifts of
Christmas holidays; there was her simple wardrobe in the closet and in the draw-
ers:- here was, in short, her home; and, on the whole, a happy one it had been to
her. But there, on the bed, lay her slumbering boy, his long curls falling negli-
gently around his unconscious face, his rosy mouth half open, his little fat hands
thrown out over the bedclothes, and a smile spread like a sunbeam over his whole

“Poor boy! poor fellow!” said Eliza; “they have sold you! but your mother
will save you yet!”
<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe

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