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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
“Well, therein you differ from many wise and pious men,” said Mr. Shelby.
“You remember Mr. B.’s sermon, the other Sunday?”

“I don’t want to hear such sermons; I never wish to hear Mr. B. in our church
again. Ministers can’t help the evil, perhaps,- can’t cure it, any more than we can,-
but defend it!- It always went against my common sense. And I think you didn’t
think much of that sermon, either.”

“Well,” said Shelby, “I must say these ministers sometimes carry matters fur-
ther than we poor sinners would exactly dare to do. We men of the world must
wink pretty hard at various things, and get used to a deal that isn’t the exact thing.
But we don’t quite fancy, when women and ministers come out broad and square,
and go beyond us in matters of either modesty or morals, that’s a fact. But now,
my dear, I trust you see the necessity of the thing, and you see that I have done
the very best that circumstances would allow.”

“O yes, yes!” said Mrs. Shelby, hurriedly and abstractedly fingering her gold
watch,- “I haven’t any jewelry of any amount,” she added, thoughtfully; “but
would not this watch do something?- it was an expensive one, when it was
bought. If I could only at least save Eliza’s child, I would sacrifice anything I

“I’m sorry, very sorry, Emily,” said Mr. Shelby, “I’m sorry this takes hold of
you so; but it will do no good. The fact is, Emily, the thing’s done; the bills of
sale are already signed, and in Haley’s hands; and you must be thankful it’s no
<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe

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