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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
“Come,” she said, reaching her hand to Emmeline.

The two fugitives glided noiselessly from the house, and flitted, through the
gathering shadows of evening, along by the quarters. The crescent moon, set like
a silver signet in the western sky, delayed a little the approach of night. As Cassy
expected, when quite near the verge of the swamps that encircled the plantation,
they heard a voice calling to them to stop. It was not Sambo, however, but Le-
gree, who was pursuing them with violent execrations. At the sound, the feebler
spirit of Emmeline gave way; and laying hold of Cassy’s arm, she said, “O Cassy,
I’m going to faint!”

“If you do, I’ll kill you!” said Cassy, drawing a small, glittering stiletto, and
flashing it before the eyes of the girl.

The diversion accomplished the purpose. Emmeline did not faint, and suc-
ceeded in plunging, with Cassy, into a part of the labyrinth of swamp, so deep and
dark that it was perfectly hopeless for Legree to think of following them, without

“Well,” said he, chuckling brutally; “at any rate, they’ve got themselves into a
trap now-the baggages! They’re safe enough. They shall sweat for it!”

“Hulloa, there! Sambo! Quimbo! All hands!” called Legree, coming to the
quarters, when the men and women were just returning from work. There’s two
runaways in the swamps. I’ll give five dollars to any nigger as catches ‘em. Turn
out the dogs! Turn out Tiger, and Fury, and the rest!"
<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe

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