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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
The sensation produced by this news was immediate. Many of the men sprang
forward, officiously, to offer their services, either from the hope of the reward, or
from that cringing subserviency which is one of the most baleful effects of slav-
ery. Some ran one way, and some another. Some were for getting flambeaux of
pine-knots. Some were for uncoupling the dogs, whose hoarse, savage bay added
not a little to the animation of the scene.

“Mas’r, shall we shoot ‘em, if we can’t cotch ‘em?” said Sambo, to whom his
master brought out a rifle.

“You may fire on Cass, if you like; it’s time she was gone to the devil, where
she belongs; but the gal, not,” said Legree. “And now, boys, be spry and smart.
Five dollars for him that gets ‘em; and a glass of spirits to every one of you, any-

The whole band, with the glare of blazing torches, and whoop, and shout, and
savage yell, of man and beast, proceeded down to the swamp, followed, at some
distance, by every servant in the house. The establishment was, of a consequence,
wholly deserted, when Cassy and Emmeline glided into it the back way. The
whooping and shouts of their pursuers were still filling the air; and, looking from
the sitting-room windows, Cassy and Emmeline could see the troop, with their
flambeaux, just dispersing themselves along the edge of the swamp.

“See there!” said Emmeline, pointing to Cassy; “the hunt is begun! Look how
those lights dance about! Hark! the dogs! Don’t you hear? If we were only there,
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