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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
“There, these will be large enough,” said Cassy. “Now put on your bonnet,
and let’s start; it’s just about the right time.”

“Why, they can see us yet,” said Emmeline.

“I mean they shall,” said Cassy, coolly. “Don’t you know that they must have
their chase after us, at any rate? The way of the thing is to be just this:- We will
steal out of the back door, and run down by the quarters. Sambo or Quimbo will
be sure to see us. They will give chase, and we will get into the swamp; then, they
can’t follow us any further till they go up and give the alarm, and turn out the
dogs, and so on; and, while they are blundering round, and tumbling over each
other, as they always do, you and I will just slip along to the creek, that runs back
of the house, and wade along in it, till we get opposite the back door. That will
put the dogs all at fault; for scent won’t lie in the water. Every one will run out of
the house to look after us, and then we’ll whip in at the back door, and up into the
garret, where I’ve got a nice bed made up in one of the great boxes. We must stay
in that garret a good while; for, I tell you, he will raise heaven and earth after us.
He’ll muster some of those old overseers on the other plantations, and have a
great hunt; and they’ll go over every inch of ground in that swamp. He makes it
his boast that nobody ever got away from him. So let him hunt at his leisure.”

“Cassy, how well you have planned it!” said Emmeline. “Who ever would
have thought of it, but you?”

There was neither pleasure nor exultation in Cassy’s eyes,- only a despairing
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