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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
Anticipating the rising of the wind, that very evening, Cassy had been up and
opened the garret window. Of course, the moment the doors were opened, the
wind had drafted down, and extinguished the light.

This may serve as a specimen of the game that Cassy played with Legree, un-
til he would sooner have put his head into a lion’s mouth than to have explored
that garret. Meanwhile, in the night, when everybody else was asleep, Cassy
slowly and carefully accumulated there a stock of provisions sufficient to afford
subsistence for some time; she transferred, article by article, a greater part of her
own and Emmeline’s wardrobe. All things being arranged, they only waited a fit-
ting opportunity to put their plan in execution.

By cajoling Legree, and taking advantage of a good-natured interval, Cassy
had got him to take her with him to the neighboring town, which was situated di-
rectly on the Red River. With a memory sharpened to almost preternatural clear-
ness, she remarked every turn in the road, and formed a mental estimate of the
time to be occupied in traversing it.

At the time when all was matured for action, our readers may, perhaps, like to
look behind the scenes, and see the final coup d’etat.

It was now nearing evening. Legree had been absent, on a ride to a neighbor-
ing farm. For many days Cassy had been unusually gracious and accommodating
in her humors; and Legree and she had been, apparently, on the best of terms. At
present, we may behold her and Emmeline in the room of the latter, busy in sort-
ing and arranging two small bundles.
<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe

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