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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
“I dare say you don’t,” said Marie; “I was prepared to expect that. You can be
alarmed enough, if Eva coughs, or has the least thing the matter with her; but you
never think of me.”

“If it’s particularly agreeable to you to have heart disease, why, I’ll try and
maintain you have it,” said St. Clare; “I didn’t know it was.”

“Well, I only hope you won’t be sorry for this, when it’s too late!” said Marie;
“but, believe it or not, my distress about Eva, and the exertions I have made with
that dear child, have developed what I have long suspected.”

What the exertions were which Marie referred to, it would have been difficult
to state. St. Clare quietly made this commentary to himself, and went on smoking,
like a hard-hearted wretch of a man as he was, till a carriage drove up before the
verandah, and Eva and Miss Ophelia alighted.

Miss Ophelia marched straight to her own chamber, to put away her bonnet
and shawl, as was always her manner, before she spoke a word on any subject;
while Eva came, at St. Clare’s call, and was sitting on his knee, giving him an ac-
count of the services they had heard.

They soon heard loud exclamations from Miss Ophelia’s room, which, like
the one in which they were sitting, opened on to the verandah, and violent reproof
addressed to somebody.

“What new witchcraft has Tops been brewing?” asked St. Clare. “That

commotion is of her raising, I’ll be bound!"
<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe

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