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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
And, in a moment after, Miss Ophelia, in high indignation, came dragging the
culprit along.

“Come out here, now!” she said. “I will tell your master!”

“What’s the case now?” asked Augustine.

“The case is, that I cannot be plagued with this child, any longer! It’s past all
bearing; flesh and blood cannot endure it! Here, I locked her up, and gave her a
hymn to study; and what does she do, but spy out where I put my key, and has
gone to my bureau, and got a bonnet-trimming, and cut it all to pieces, to make
doll’s jackets! I never saw anything like it, in my life!”

“I told you, cousin,” said Marie, “that you’d find out that these creatures can’t
be brought up, without severity. If I had my way, now,” she said, looking re-
proachfully at St. Clare, “I’d send that child out, and have her thoroughly
whipped; I’d have her whipped till she couldn’t stand!”

“I don’t doubt it,” said St. Clare. “Tell me of the lovely rule of woman! I
never saw above a dozen women that wouldn’t half kill a horse, or a servant,
either, if they had their own way with them!- let alone a man.”

“There is no use in this shilly-shally way of yours, St. Clare!” said Marie.
“Cousin is a woman of sense, and she sees it now, as plain as I do.”

Miss Ophelia had just the capability of indignation that belongs to the thor-
ough-paced housekeeper, and this had been pretty actively roused by the artifice
and wastefulness of the child; in fact, many of my lady readers must own that
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