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The Little Evangelist

IT was Sunday afternoon. St. Clare was stretched on a bamboo, lounge in the
verandah, solacing himself with a cigar. Marie lay reclined on a sofa, opposite the
window opening on the verandah, closely secluded, under an awning of transpar-
ent gauze, from the outrages of the mosquitos, and languidly holding in her hand
an elegantly bound prayer-book. She was holding it because it was Sunday, and
she imagined she had been reading it,- though, in fact, she had been only taking a
succession of short naps, with it open in her hand.

Miss Ophelia, who, after some rummaging, had hunted up a small Methodist
meeting within riding distance, had gone out, with Tom as driver, to attend it; and
Eva had accompanied them.

“I say, Augustine,” said Marie after dozing a while, “I must send to the city af-
ter my old Doctor Posey; I’m sure I’ve got the complaint of the heart.”

“Well; why need you send for him? This doctor that attends Eva seems skil-

“I would not trust him in a critical case,” said Marie; “and I think I may say
mine is becoming so! I’ve been thinkin’ of it, these two or three nights past; I
have such distressing pains, and such strange feelings.”

“O Marie, you are blue; I don’t believe it’s heart complaint.”
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