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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
woman of very respectable appearance, stood foremost, in a tremor of expectation
and joy, at the door.

“O, there’s Mammy!” said Eva, as she flew across the room; and, throwing
herself into her arms, she kissed her repeatedly.

This woman did not tell her that she made her head ache, but, on the contrary,
she hugged her, and laughed, and cried, till her sanity was a thing to be doubted
of; and when released from her, Eva flew from one to another, shaking hands and
kissing, in a way that Miss Ophelia afterwards declared fairly turned her stomach.

“Well!” said Miss Ophelia, “you southern children can do something that I

“What, now, pray?” said St. Clare.

“Well, I want to be kind to everybody, and I wouldn’t have anything hurt; but
as to kissing-”

“Niggers,” said St. Clare, “that you’re not up to,- hey?”

“Yes, that’s it. How can she?”

St. Clare laughed, as he went into the passage. “Halloa, here, what’s to pay
out here? Here, you all-Mammy, Jimmy, Polly, Sukey-glad to see Mas’r?” he
said, as he went shaking hands from one to another. “Look out for the babies!” he
added, as he stumbled over a sooty little urchin, who was crawling upon all fours.
“If I step upon anybody, let ‘em mention it.”
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