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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
There was an abundance of laughing and blessing Mas’r, as St. Clare distrib-
uted small pieces of change among them.

“Come, now, take yourselves off, like good boys and girls,” he said; and the
whole assemblage, dark and light, disappeared through a door into a large veran-
dah, followed by Eva, who carried a large satchel, which she had been filling with
apples, nuts, candy, ribbons laces, and toys of every description, during her whole
homeward journey.

As St. Clare turned to go back, his eye fell upon Tom, who was standing un-
easily, shifting from one foot to the other, while Adolph stood negligently leaning
against the banisters, examining Tom through an opera-glass, with an air that
would have done credit to any dandy living.

“Puh! you puppy,” said his master, striking down the opera-glass; “is that the
way you treat your company? Seems to me, Dolph,” he added, laying his finger
on the elegant figured satin vest that Adolph was sporting, “seems to me that’s
my vest.”

“O Master, this vest all stained with wine! of course a gentleman in Master’s
standing never wears a vest like this. I understood I was to take it. It does for a
poor nigger-fellow, like me.”

And Adolph tossed his head, and passed his fingers through his scented hair,
with a grace.
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