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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
spicuous in satin vest, gold guard-chain, and white pants, and bowing with inex-
pressible grace and suavity.

“Ah, Adolph, is it you?” said his master, offering his hand to him; “how are
you boy?” while Adolph poured forth, with great fluency, an extemporary speech,
which he had been preparing, with great care, for a fortnight before.

“Well, well,” said St. Clare, passing on, with his usual air of negligent droll-
ery, “that’s very well got up, Adolph. See that the baggage is well bestowed. I’ll
come to the people in a minute;” and, so saying, he led Miss Ophelia to a large
parlor that opened on to the verandah.

While this had been passing, Eva had flown like a bird, through the porch and
parlor, to a little boudoir opening likewise on the verandah.

A tall, dark-eyed, sallow woman half rose from a couch on which she was re-

“Mamma!” said Eva, in a sort of a rapture, throwing herself on her neck, and
embracing her over and over again.

“That’ll do,- take care, child,- don’t, you make my head ache,” said the
mother, after she had languidly kissed her.

St. Clare came in, embraced his wife in true, orthodox, husbandly fashion,
and then presented to her his cousin. Marie lifted her large eyes on her cousin
with an air of some curiosity, and received her with languid politeness. A crowd
of servants now pressed to the entry door, and among them a middle-aged mulatto
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