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The Scop chants how Hrothgar then told Beowulf of the new woe
in Heorot wrought by Grendel’s Mother, and of the wild regions of
frosted forest and dark pool where the trollkin dwelt, and of his
hope that Beowulf would be again the Mighty Helper. Hrothgar
made a speech then, Helm of the Scylding-Brood:
“Nay, ask not after joyance! Sorrow is renewed Unto the folk of
Daneland. Dead is now another Aescher, of Yrmenlaf who was the
elder brother, My councillor, my wise-man, and comrade at my
right Whenever our heads we warded amidst of the fight, As
clashed the foot-foemen, and rang the boar-crest A jarl should be
like Aescher, an aetheling the best.

Him hath the hand in Heorot of roving Death-Sprite slain, And I
wot not whither its backward-ways ‘t has ta’en, In its prey
exulting, of its feasting fain.

She hath the feud avenged whereby on yester-night Thou slewest
so grimly Grendel by gripping him so tight Because he rent and
ravaged too long my folk in strife.

He fell at last in battle, paying with his life; And now hath come
another Scather lorn and lewd,
Who would avenge her offspring-and farther bears the feud:
So that indeed it seemeth unto many a thane, Who weepeth for his
Ring-Giver, a hard heart-bane; Low lies the hand that wrought ye
your every wish so well.

I’ve heard my land-dwellers, my folk’s householders, tell They’d
seen a pair of such ones, alien Sprites obscure, Mickle Border-
Stalkers, haunting the moor.

And of these the One was-as far as guess they mightThe likeness
of a woman; the other wretched Wight Trod his tracks of exile in a
man’s own mien, Save that he was bigger than man hath ever been
Whom the landfolk named Grendel of yore.

Knew they not the father-whether theretofore Ever he’d begotten
any troll-kin more.

Their haunts are secret places, the wolf-slopes dim, The headlands
windy, the fen-ways grim, Where the mountain waterfall
downward away Floweth under crag-head, under mists of spray.
And the mere it standeth off some mile or more:
Over it there hangeth a forest frosted hoar; A wood, fast-rooted, the
water over-hoods; Each night is seen a wonder weird-a fire on the

There lives no man so wise on earth whoso its bottom sounds:
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