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Hers was a sudden hasting-hers was a turning about To save her
life in the open, knowing herself found out.

But speedily the Ogress had seized tightly then One of the Danish
house-carls, as off she fled to fen; Hrothgar’s dearest Hero in
vassal’s rank was he, A mighty shield-warrior, between the sea and
sea, A fighter of a sure renown whom in his rest killed she.

And Beowulf was absent,- for to the Geatman bold Another lodge
allotted was after the gifts of gold.

Uproar was in Heorot. Away with her she bore The famous paw of
Grendel, dripping with its gore.

Sorrow was renewed within their homes once more.
‘T was an exchange right grievous, where either side must pay
With the lives of loved ones.

Then that Warsman gray, Old King Hrothgar, had a heart of pain,
Knowing this Prince was lifeless, dead this dearest Thane.
Speedily to bower was Beowulf fetched away, The victory-blessed
Hero. And just at dawn of day He wended with his jarlmen, this
champion Aetheling,
Himself with his comrades, to where abode the King, Waiting if
All-Wielder might ever will to show To him a turn-for-better after
the spell of woe.

Strode along the floor, then, this Man, the brave-in-brawl, With his
hand-companions, whilst sounded planks in hall, To greet with
words the Wise One, and ask the Ingwines’ Sire If he had slept a
quiet night after his desire.
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