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Though the heath-ranger, harried by the hounds, The hart, strong
of antlers, hunted far in flight, May seek this woodsy thicket, he’ll
rather yield his sprite, His life upon the brink there, than plunge
for safety in.

A spot uncanny is it; whence wan to welkin spin Welter of foam
and waters, when the winds begin Astirring the foul weather-till
the air is murk, And the heaven weepeth.

Again we wait thy work, Thine and thine only! That land not yet
thou know’st, The fearsome spot whereunder thou’lt find that
damned Ghost Seek it, if thou darest! For this fight to thee I’ll give,
as even erst I did, twisted gold in fee, Aye, mine olden treasure, if
back thou com’st to me.”
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