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The Scop chants how Wealhtheow too gave presents to Beowulf,
and how one of these presents was a collar which years thereafter
Beowulf’s Uncle, King Hygelac, wore as he fell in a famous raid
down the Frisian Coast. (That was a real raid, historians of the
Teutonic tribes assure us; and Hygelac was a real historical
personage who lived in the sixth century. Perhaps Beowulf once
really lived too; yet I for one doubt if he really did all the big
things our Scop tells about him-though it is pleasant and good for
us to make-believe he did.) And after Wealhtheow’s gifting and
speaking, Hrothgar and others, Beowulf and the Queen too, left the
Hall for their rest, leaving behind many jarlmen. These jarlmen
took down the feasting boards that had stood on moveable
supports in front of the benches along the walls, and made ready
for sleep, unwitting that new terror and woe lurked outside in the

To him she bare the goblet, and friendly words spake she, And
armlets twain of twisted gold she proffered graciously, And rings
and a war-coat, and best of collars too That ever on earth I heard

[Nay, I never knew Under heaven a hero’s treasure goodly more
Since Hama to his bright burg the Brisings’ necklace bore,
With clasp and costly setting. (He fled the wily mood Of
Eormenric, that angry King, and chose eternal good.

This was the very collar that Hygelac had on, The Geatman, scion
of Swerting, his last of raids upon, When he beneath his banner
was fending booty won, And spoils of war was warding. Wyrd
took him at a stroke, When in his pride he trouble sought and feud
with Frisian folk.

Yea, he, the mighty Chieftain, these precious stones had ta’en,
These fair adornments, with him across the bowl-of-the-main; And
now that he had fallen beneath his shield at last, His corpse, his
mail and collar, unto the Frankmen passed.

The weaker host was reaving the spoils of warriors dead After this
battle-hewing; and this slaughter-stead The Geatish men were

The hall rang out in glee; Wealhtheow made a speech then; before
the band spake she:
“Have joy of this collar, with weal, beloved Youth!

This war-coat use, my Beowulf-a royal gift in sooth Thrive thou
well and show thee ever strong and free, And unto these my boys
here kind in counsels be:
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