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For that will I be mindful of recompense to thee!
Thou hast done so doughtily that for many a year
Men shall do thee honor both from far and near, As widely as the
sea-waves wash each windy wall; As long as ever thou livest to
thee may good befall!

I wish thee well with treasures! Unto this my boy In deeds of thine
be helpful, guarding him his joy!

Here is each jarl to other true and mild of mood, Faithful to his
Overlord; all the thanes are good, The folk at one and ready, the
revelling fighters free.

Do thou as I bid thee.
Unto her seat went she.
Here was the best of feastings; here drank of wine the bold; They
wist not Wyrd was walking, this grim Fate of old, Forth for many a
jarl there. When the eve had come And Hrothgar had hied him
unto his own homeUnto his rest, the Chieftain-then did guard the
floor A goodly count of jarlmen as oft they did before.

The bench-boards they bare off; and through the hall did strew The
beddings and the bolsters. And of that boisterous crew Was one to
rest who laid him-ne’er to wake anew.

At heads they set their bucklers their war-wood bright.
On bench above each aetheling there was plain to sight The steep
battle-helmets, the byrnies of rings,
The spear-shafts sturdy. For these aethelings Were wont to be full
often ready for the fray At home or on a harrying,- be whichever it
may, Even on such of seasons as when befell some stroke Against
their Lord and Master. That was a doughty folk
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