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Of gems and wrought jewels-to their ships away.
On sea-voyage to the Danefolk the royal wife they bore; Led her
back to kinsmen.” Sung was now the lay, The harp-chant of
gleeman. Mirth arose once more, Loud rang the bench-joy. Cup-
bearers did pour Wine from jars-of-wonder. Forth came there,
Walking under golden crown, to where the friendly pair, The
nephew and the uncle, sate: then was their kinship still at one, Each
unto the other true: And Spokesman Unferth, Ecglaf’s son, Sate at
the feet of Scyldings’ King. Both trusted still his spirit bold, That he
was man of courage keen; though he unto his kin of old Were not
at sword-play merciful.

And then the Dame of Scyldings spake:
“Breaker-of-Rings and Free-Lord mine, now this beaker take; Be
thou blithe of spirit, thou Gold-Friend in hall; Bespeak the Geats in
happy words, such as behooves withal; Be gladsome to the
Geatmen, and not forgetful be Of good gifts anear or far which
now thou havest free.

‘T was told me, this warrior thou ‘dst take for son to thee.
This bright ring-chamber, this Heorot, is restored; Use, while still
thou mayest, thy times for fair reward;

And leave unto thy kinsmen the folk and the state, When ‘t is thine
to fare forth, to greet eternal fate.

I know my gladsome Hrothulf-that ‘t is his will to be Gracious to
these boys of ours, if earlier thou than he, O thou Friend of
Scyldings, leavest the world behind.

I ween, with goodness he’ll requite the offspring of us two, If he all
that remembers that you and I did do For him when erst a
youngling, with gifts and honors kind.” Thereat to bench she
turned her where her lads were then, Hrethric and Hrothmund,
with bairns of fighting men The youth all together. There sate the
doughty Thane, Beowulf, the Geatman, between the brothers
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