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(2) What is the angle measure, in radians of the acute angle formed by the minute hands of a clock at 7.15 with hour hand ?


(3) Two concentric circles with centre at O and radii 5cms and 10 cms are drawn. A straight line OP drawn through the centre cuts them in A and A' respectively. This line is rotated through 600 and in its final position it cuts the circles in B and B' respectively. Find the perimeter and the area of the portion between the two circles and the two lines.


(i) We have OA = 5 cms, OA' = 10 cms, q = 600 = p/3 rad.
\ AA' = 5 cms Similarly BB' = 5 cms
Also q = 600 = p/3 rad
Let arc AB = s1 and arc A'B' = s2
then considering the inner circle and using s = r qc we get

s1 = 5 ´ p / 3 = cms

Similarly for arc A'B' = s2 = 10 ´ cms

\ the perimeter of the required portion (shaded portion)
= AB + BB' + A'B' + AA'
= s1 + BB' + s2 + AA'
= + 5 + + 5
= 10 + 5p = 5 (p + 2) » 5 (3.14 + 2) » 5 (5.14)
= 25.70 cms.

(ii) Area of the portion ABB'A'A (shaded)

= Area of sector O - A'B' - Area of sector O - AB
= OA'2qc - OA2qc ...... (by using A = 1/2 r2 qc )
= (102 - 52 ) sq. cms.
= (100 - 25) sq. cms
= 75 sq. cms
= 12.5 p sq. cms
= (12.5) (3.14) sq. cms
A (ABB'A'A)   =   39.25 sq. cms (approx)

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1.1 Angles (Radians & Degrees)
1.2 Arc Length & Area of the circle
Supplementary Problems

Chapter 2

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