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Section 5 : Reading Comprehension    Time - 15 Minutes    d 13 Questions

Given below are passages which are followed by a set of questions . Answer all the questions taking into account what is said and implied in the passages.

Questions 1-7 are based on Passage 1

The first passage is an excerpt from an article in TIME magazine which discusses of the nature of snakes. The second passage is also from TIME. It discusses seahorses and how they are used for different purposes.

Passage 1

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  1. The first paragraph gives the impression that

    (A)    snakes are cunning.
    (B)    snakes are vicious.
    (C)    snakes are hated and detested creatures.
    (D)    snakes are aesthetic.
    (E)    snakes live in grass.

  2. The word "ophidiophobia" in line 19 means

    (A)    reptiles
    (B)    limbless reptiles
    (C)    amphibians
    (D)    fear of snakes
    (E)    poisonous snakes

  3. A single bite of an inland taipan

    (A)    can kill 200,000 mice together.
    (B)    is venomous enough to kill 200,000 mice.
    (C)    is as venomous as a cobra.
    (D)    killed Albert Schweitzer.
    (E)    more venomous than a cobra’s bite.

  4. Snakes are compared to sharks because

    (A)    they are carnivorous.
    (B)    they are poisonous.
    (C)    they are image seekers.
    (D)    snakes and sharks are descendents of the same species.
    (E)    of their image problem.

  5. Mr. Greene seems to be a(n)

    (A)    bibliophile
    (B)    wild life commentator
    (C)    snake charmer
    (D)    ophidiophile
    (E)    snake park guide

  6. What does the word "viscera" in line 58 mean?

    (A)    internal organs
    (B)    muscles
    (C)    bones
    (D)    belly
    (E)    scales

  7. What does Mr. Greene call a work of art ?

    (A)    Berkley’s museum
    (B)    A rattlesnake
    (C)    A Cobra
    (D)    The reptiles
    (E)    The double-bolted doors

    [next page]


Test 1
Section 1 : Verbal Reasoning
Section 2 : Mathematical Reasoning
Section 3 : Verbal Reasoning
Section 4 : Mathematical Reasoning
Section 5 : Reading Comprehension
Section 6 : Mathematical Reasoning
Section 7 : Mathematical Reasoning
Answer Key To Test 1

Answer Explanation To Test 1
Section 1 : Verbal Reasoning
Section 2 : Mathematical Reasoning
Section 3 : Verbal Reasoning
Section 4 : Mathematical Reasoning
Section 5 : Reading Comprehension
Section 6 : Mathematical Reasoning
Section 7 : Mathematical Reasoning

Test 2