(B) Income elasticity: Demand is a function, besides
price (P) also of the income (Y) of an individual. However, income
and demand hold a direct relationship, such that Y and Q rise or
fall together. Hence the sign of elasticity ratio in this case is
normally positive. Let’s illustrate this :
Assume that the values of Y and Q are as follows :
Y1 = 100 Q1 = 16
Y2 = 120 Q2 = 18
In this case the value of income elasticity ey will

(C) Cross Elasticity: The price elasticity of
demand that we have studied so far is also called the "own elasticity."
This is because we have determined the elasticity for good A with the
change in the price of the same good. However, various goods A, B, C etc.
hold a mutual relationship. As such if we attempt to find the elasticity
of demand for good B whenever the price of good A changes, then it is
called a cross elasticity ratio. However, the goods A and B may hold either
of the following relationships:
i) Substitutes : as in case of tea and
coffee or different brands of toothpaste, television sets etc. These goods
are symbolized as BS which implies that B is a substitute of
A. In this case, whenever the price of A rises the demand for A will fall
but that of B will rise. Therefore the relation between PA and
QB is direct. Hence the sign of elasticity ratio will
be positive. This can be illustrated as:
10  8   8
12  6  10

ii) Complementary goods: Consider two complementary,
good A - a vehicle and B - gasoline. In this case, with a rise in the
price of A the demand for A (QA) will fall and similarly, the
demand for B(QBC) will also fall. The sign of elasticity
ratio will then be negative in sign. This can be illustrated as
5000  100   40
6000   80   35

[next page]
1 Fundamental Concepts
2. 2 Demand Schedule, Function and Law
2. 3 Supply Schedule, Function and Law
2. 4 Elasticity of Demand and Supply
2. 5 The Concept of Equilibrium
Chapter 3