PinkMonkey.com Economics Study Guide
CONCEPTS (Chapter 1-2)
Chapter 1 Introduction to Economics
1. 1 Definition and Nature
1. 2 Macro and Microeconomics
1. 3 Positive and Normative Science
1. 4 Positive Economic Theory and Analysis
Chapter 2 Demand, Supply and Elasticity
2. 1 Fundamental Concepts
2. 2 Demand Schedule, Function and Law
2. 3 Supply Schedule, Function and Law
2. 4 Elasticity of Demand and Supply
2. 5 The Concept of Equilibrium
MACRO ECONOMICS (Chapters 3-7)
Chapter 3 Macro Aggregates, Unemployment
and Inflation
3. 1 Macro Aggregates
3.2 Unemployment
3.3 Inflation
Chapter 4 Aggregate Demand and Aggregate
4. 1 Aggregate Demand
4. 2 Aggregate Supply
4. 3 Equilibrium
Chapter 5 Output - Employment Theories
(Classical and Keynesian)
5. 1 Classical Theory
5. 2 Keynes’ Employment Theory
Chapter 6 Money and Banking
6. 1 Money
6. 2 Banking
Chapter 7 Fiscal and Monetary Policies
7. 1 Fiscal Policy
7. 2 Monetary Policy
MICROECONOMICS (Chapters 8-15)
Chapter 8 Theory of the Consumer
8. 1 Nature of the Consumer
8. 2 Equilibrium of the Consumer
Chapter 9 Equilibrium of a Firm
9. 1 Concept of Firm
9. 2 Factors of Production and Product Output
9. 3 Costs and Profits
9. 4 Costs Analysis
Chapter 10 Perfect Competition
10. 1 Features of Competition
10. 2 Competitive Equilibrium
10. 3 Short Run Equilibrium
10. 4 Long Run Equilibrium
10. 5 Exit or Shutdown point
Chapter 11 Monopoly
11.1 Nature and Sources
11.2 Monopoly Demand Curve
11.3 Monopoly Equilibrium
11.4 Evils and Wastage of Monopoly
Chapter 12 Oligopoly Market
12.1 Oligopoly
12.2 Cartels
Chapter 13 Monopolistic Competition
13.1 Market Imperfections
13.2 Equilibrium under Monopolistic Competition
Chapter 14 Labor Market
14. 1 Demand and Supply
14. 2 Marginal Productivity Theory
14. 3 Supply Curve of Labor
14. 4 Monopsony and Exploitation of labor
Chapter 15 Capital Market
15. 1 Basic Concepts
15.2 Productivity of Capital
15.3 Market Rate of Interest
15.4 Investment Decisions
Appendix Nobel