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Example 6 Find the area of the loop of the curve y2 = x (4-x)2

Solution :      Put y = 0 then 0 = x (4-x)2

                     \ x = 0 and x = 4 (twice)

The curve passes through the (0, 0) and loop has the point A (4, 0) on it. The required area

      A   =  




Example 7 Find the area of the region bounded by the curves y = x2 and y  =  3 - 2x.

Solution : Solving y = x2 and y  =  3 - 2x, we get

        x2  =  3-2 x    \    x2 + 2 x - 3   =   0

       \  (x + 3) (x + 1)   =  0

       \   x   =   -3,  x   =   1

Hence the curve intersects x-axis at (-3, 0) and (2,0) since 3-2 x > x2 on [ -3, 1 ], the area of the region is given by

      A   =  


 \   A   =  

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8.1 Introduction
8.2 Area
8.3 Volumes
8.4 Mean Value
8.5 Arc Length(Rectification)

Chapter 1

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