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Example 7

Draw the graph of [ x ] where [ x ] denotes the greatest integer not greater than x.

Solution : The Graph of [ x ] consists of the portions of lines defined in the domains as under:

y = 0 for 0 £ x < 1

y = 1 for 1 £ x < 2

y = 2 for 2 £ x < 3

y = -1 for -1 £ x < 0

y = -2 for -2 £ x < -1

and so on.

The right hand end point of the each segment id not the point of the graph.

(III) Analytical Representation of a function : If the functional relation y = f(x) is such that 'd' denotes an analytical expression, we say that the function y of x is represented analytically. For example:

(i) y = x2 - 7



(iv) y = cos x

(v) y = px 2





1.1 Functions And Mapping
1.2 Functions, Their Graphs and Classification
1.3 Rules for Drawing the Graph of a Curve
1.4 Classification of Functions
1.5 Standard Forms for the equation of a straight line
1.6 Circular Function and Trigonometry

Chapter 2

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