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STEPHANO Come on your ways; open your mouth; here is that which will give language to you, cat. Open your mouth; this will shake your shaking, I can tell you, and that soundly; you cannot tell who’s your friend. Open your chaps again.

TRINCULO I should know that voice; it should be-but he is drown’d; and these are devils. O, defend me!

STEPHANO Four legs and two voices; a most delicate monster! His forward voice, now, is to speak well of his friend; his backward voice is to utter foul speeches and to detract. If all the wine in my bottle will recover him, I will help his ague. Come-Amen! I will pour some in thy other mouth.

TRINCULO Stephano! STEPHANO Doth thy other mouth call me? Mercy, mercy! This is a devil, and no monster; I will leave him; I have no long spoon. TRINCULO Stephano! If thou beest Stephano, touch me, and speak to me; for I am Trinculo-be not afeard-thy good friend Trinculo.

STEPHANO If thou beest Trinculo, come forth; I’ll pull the by the lesser legs; if any be Trinculo’s legs, these are they. Thou art very Trinculo indeed! How cam’st thou to be the siege of this moon-calf? Can he vent Trinculos? TRINCULO I took him to be kill’d with a thunderstroke.

But art thou not drown’d, Stephano? I hope now thou are not drown’d. Is the storm overblown? I hid me under the dead moon-calf’s gaberdine for fear of the storm. And art thou living, Stephano? O Stephano, two Neapolitans scap’d!

STEPHANO Prithee, do not turn me about; my stomach is not constant.


[Aside] These be fine things, an if they be not sprites. That’s a brave god, and bears celestial liquor. I will kneel to him.

STEPHANO How didst thou scape? How cam’st thou hither? Swear by this bottle how thou cam’st hither-I escap’d upon a butt of sack, which the sailors heaved o’erboard by this bottle, which I made of the bark of a tree, with mine own hands, since I was cast ashore.

CALIBAN I’ll swear upon that bottle to be thy true subject, for the liquor is not earthly.

STEPHANO Here; swear then how thou escap’dst.

TRINCULO Swum ashore, man, like a duck; I can swim like a duck, I’ll be sworn.


[Passing the bottle]

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