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which appeared to Brutus showed the murder was not pleasing to
the gods. The story of it is this.

Brutus, being to pass his army from Abydos to the continent on the
other side, laid himself down one night, as he used to do, in his
tent, and was not asleep, but thinking of his affairs, and what
events he might expect. For he is related to have been the least
inclined to sleep of all men who have commanded armies, and to
have had the greatest natural capacity for continuing awake, and
employing himself without need of rest. He thought he heard a
noise at the door of his tent, and looking that way, by the light of
his lamp, which was almost out, saw a terrible figure, like that of a
man, but of unusual stature and severe countenance. He was
somewhat frightened at first, but seeing it neither did nor spoke
anything to him, only stood silently by his bedside, he asked who
it was. The spectre answered him, “Thy evil genius, Brutus, thou
shalt see me at Philippi.” Brutus answered courageously, “Well, I
shall see you,” and immediately the appearance vanished.

When the time was come, he drew up his army near Philippi
against Antony and Caesar, and in the first battle won the day,
routed the enemy, and plundered Caesar’s camp. The night before
the second battle, the same phantom appeared to him again, but
spoke not a word. He presently understood his destiny was at
hand, and exposed himself to all the danger of the battle. Yet he
did not die in the fight, but seeing his men defeated, got up to the
top of a rock, and there presenting his sword to his naked breast,
and assisted, as they say, by a friend, who helped him to give the
thrust, met his death.

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